2022 Top 10 Women to Watch
The 2022 Angaza Awards received entries from nine (9) countries, namely Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, representing professionals from Investment Banking, Cross-border Payments, InsureTech, Banking, Capital Markets, Microfinance and Multilateral Development Finance.
2022 Judges
Mutumboi Mundia
Director, Market Supervision & Development, Zambia Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Catherine Musakali
Women on Boards Network
Hedwige Nuyens
Managing Director, International Banking Federation (UK)
Yawa Hansen-Quao
Founder, Leading Ladies’ Network (Ghana)
Joanita Lunkuse – Jaggwe
Expert on Financing, Office of the Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Delivery Unit (Uganda)
Luke Ombara
Director of Regulatory Policy and Strategy, Capital Markets Authority (Kenya)
Esohe Denise Odaro
Head of ESG & Sustainability, PAI Partners (UK)
Maxwell Pirikisi
Immediate Past President - South Africa-Nigeria Business Chamber (SA-NBC); Director SA Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI)
Angaza Awards Recognizes Senior Executives and Emerging Leaders
12 January 2022: The Angaza Awards: Women to Watch in Banking & Finance program has announced the list of Top 10 women who are steering and shaping Africa’s financial services sector. The list was compiled following a three-month entry period which saw dozens of professionals from Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe submit applications. Kenyan WallStreet and Kaleidoscope Consultants partnered together on the Awards to raise awareness of the seasoned women who are shaping and influencing the sector through their organizations. The Top 10 will be celebrated during a special ceremony in April this year.
“Globally, we need to reframe what leadership in finance looks like. These African women have demonstrated commendable impact across various industries that make up the highly-competitive, male-dominated financial services sector,” said Ms. Nuru Mugambi, Angaza Awards Chairperson. “It is inspiring to see how the Angaza Top 10 are multifaceted professionals who have turned around financial institutions, and driven digital innovation initiatives, while making time to give back to society in a transformational way,” she said. “Collectively, they are a beacon to young women who are interested in careers in finance on the Continent.”
The Angaza Awards criteria included an assessment of the applicants’ area of responsibility and contribution to firm performance. Scores were also awarded for achievement that transcended the institution and resulted in shared value creation. Professionals in Banking, Capital Markets, Insurance, Fintech, Investment Banking & Fund Management, Microfinance, and Savings & Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) were invited to submit their applications or nominations via the Awards Web page. The 2022 Top 10 Women to Watch are as follows:
Marjorie Mayida, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer, Old Mutual Investment Group Zimbabwe
Rina Hicks, Operations Director, Faida Investment Bank Ltd.
Rahel Musyoki, Business Development Manager, CarePay (M-TIBA) Kenya
Gakii Mwongera, Group Head of Internet Banking, Equity Group Holdings, Ltd
Sharon Kinyanjui, Regional Director - EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa), WorldRemit Ltd.
Christine Baingana, Chief Executive Officer, Urwego Bank Rwanda
Venus Hampinda, Finance Director & Regional Head, Strategic Tax Solutions, Absa Zambia
Dr. Millicent Omukaga, Office of the President Advisor - Women Empowerment and Affirmative Finance, African Development Bank Group
Njeri Jomo, General Manager - Retail Business Development, Britam Group
Jacqueline Karasha, Head of Corporate Business, Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd. Kenya
“The Angaza Awards recipients are selected following an extensive review of their applications by a distinguished panel of judges from several disciplines. They therefore have proven their mettle during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has been one of the most challenging operating environments in recent history. We congratulate them and look forward to following their achievements this year,” said Eric Asuma, Co-Founder of Kenyan Wallstreet, a financial news media company and Hisa Technologies, Africa's first wealth management platform that makes investing social.
The Angaza Awards Judges Panel was constituted by Mutumboi Mundia, Director of Market Supervision & Development, Zambia Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); Catherine Musakali, Co-Founder of Women on Boards Network Kenya; Hedwige Nuyens, Managing Director, International Banking Federation; Yawa Hansen-Quao, Executive Director, Emerging Public Leaders Ghana; Joanita Lunkuse-Jaggwe, Expert on Financing, Office of the Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Delivery Unit, Uganda and 2021 Angaza Awards Recipient; Luke Ombara, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Capital Markets Authority, Kenya; Esohe Denise Odaro, Head of Investor Relations, International Finance Corporation; and Maxwell Pirikisi, Director, South African Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SACCI) and President, South Africa-Nigeria Business Chamber (SA-NBC).
The 2022 Awards follows last year’s program which featured Dr. Nancy Onyango of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and New York Times Best-Selling Author Gail Evans as keynote speakers, and was sponsored by Equity Bank Group and Old Mutual Ltd. In addition to sponsoring the event, Old Mutual is supporting the Top 10 through mentorship and profile building.
Digital Banker Africa magazine, Graça Machel Trust, New Faces New Voices Kenya, Platform Africa, Leading Ladies Network Ghana, East Africa Venture Capital Association, and African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) partnered to raise awareness about the Awards across their various platforms. For updates and more information, follow Angaza Awards on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/angaza-awards and on Twitter at @AngazaAwards.